Masterclass - The mafia’s portrayal in film

  • Culture
  • International
Publié le 5 février 2024 Mis à jour le 5 février 2024

le 22 mars 2024


Campus Georges Méliès

Amphi 38
Masterclass - Cinéma Mafia
Masterclass - Cinéma Mafia

The theme of Professor Santeramo’s talk revolves around mafia culture and the power of myths, rituals, and symbols.


The theme of Professor Santeramo’s talk revolves around mafia culture and the power of myths, rituals, and symbols. An analysis will be conducted on the utilization of symbols, initiation rituals, and myths by both mafia organizations and mafia-like entities, exploring their impact on how the perception of these criminal organizations is molded by these precepts. Focusing on the cultural aspects of criminal organizations transforms them from mere criminal gangs into criminal societies with their own laws governed by specific statutes. The talk also aims to position the phenomenon within a socio-cultural-economic context, providing a holistic perspective on the global issue of the mafia phenomenon. This approach is often underscored by the representation of mafia and mafia-like criminal organizations in cinematic productions. 

Donato Santeramo

Donato Santeramo is Full Professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada and, concurrently serves as the Director of the Italian Summer School at Middlebury College in Vermont, USA. Additionally, he co-directs a program focused on combating and preventing the infiltration of mafia-type organizations into the economy (Certificate in Organized Crime Prevention Foundations). Santeramo is also a founding member of ORC (Observatoire du Récit Criminel – Université Côte d’Azur) and a faculty member at the University of Rome II – Tor Vergata. His scholarly contributions encompass essays on theatre, literature, cinema, and criminality. Pr. Santeramo is Artistic Director of the Matera Film Festival.